Module ID: shellfish/ui
This module provides various UI components written in Shui and support for theming the UI.
- Button
- Calendar
- CheckBox
- DarkTheme
- DatePicker
- Dialog
- Document
- FlickGesture
- FocusIndicator
- FSItem
- FSTreeNode
- FSView
- IndexScroller
- Label
- ListHeader
- ListViewSelector
- Loader
- Menu
- MenuExpander
- MenuItem
- MenuItemBase
- MenuSeparator
- MultiSelectionBox
- NotificationArea
- OverflowScroller
- Overlay
- Page
- PageStack
- PinchGesture
- Placeholder
- ScrollIndicator
- SelectionBox
- Slider
- SpinBox
- SplitBox
- Switch
- TextArea
- TextEntry
- Theme
- TimePicker
- Tooltip
- TreeBranch
- Window
- WindowTitle