Tutorial: Visibility


The boolean property visible controls the visibility of visual elements. Setting this value to false makes elements disappear from the screen.

Document {

    Label {
        text: "I am a label."

    Label {
        visible: false
        text: "You cannot see me."

    Label {
        text: "I am another label."


The default value for visible is true.

If an element containing child elements becomes invisible, the child elements become invisible as well, even though their visible property was true.

Document {

    Box {
        visible: false

        Label {
            text: "You cannot see me."


Therefore, this property alone is not sufficient to determine if an element is actually visible, or not.

The actual visibility of an element also depends on the visibility of all of its ancestors. The read-only property ancestorsVisible tells if all ancestors are actually visible.

So, in order to check for the actual visibility of an element, you have to look at both properties, ancestorsVisible as well as visible.

Document {

    Box {
        Label {
            text: "Am I really visible? " +
                  (ancestorsVisible && visible ? "Yes." : "No.")
