Class: Slider


new ui.Slider ()

Element representing a UI value slider.

value is a decimal number within the range of minValue and maxValue. Remember to round or truncate it if you need integer values.

Name Type Description
maxValue number

(default: 100) The maximum allowed value.

minValue number

(default: 0) The minimum allowed value.

seeking bool

[readonly] true while the user is seeking.

seekValue number

[readonly] The actual value while seeking is true. Otherwise the same as value.

stepSize number

(default: 5) The step size between value changes. The step size only applies to value changes with the PgUp/PgDown keyboard keys or the mouse wheel.

styleOfBackground template

The background style template.

styleOfHandle template

The handle style template.

value number

(default: 0) The current value. This value is not updated while seeking is true.



setValue (v)

Sets the current value.

Name Type Description
v number

The new value.