Class: WaitAction


Class representing a waiting action.

The waiting may be aborted anytime by setting the enabled property to false.

new core.WaitAction ()

Name Type Description
until function

(default: null) A predicate function taking the current timestamp and returning the timestamp until when to wait. When null, it waits forever.



atMinute (n)function

Returns a predicate function for waiting until the minutes hand of clock reaches the given point.

Name Type Description
n number

The point to wait for.

Type Description
function The predicate function.

atSecond (n)function

Returns a predicate function for waiting until the seconds hand of clock reaches the given point.

Name Type Description
n number

The point to wait for.

Type Description
function The predicate function.

atUtcHour (n)function

Returns a predicate function for waiting until the hours hand of clock reaches the given point.

Name Type Description
n number

The point to wait for, given in UTC time.

Type Description
function The predicate function.

seconds (n)function

Returns a predicate function for waiting a given amount of seconds.

Name Type Description
n number

The number of seconds to wait.

Type Description
function The predicate function.