Tutorial: Concepts of Shellfish

Concepts of Shellfish

What does Declarative Mean?

Declarative programming is a paradigm where you concentrate on describing the outcome of what you intend, rather than describing the way of what must be done in order to get what you intend.

Think of a spreadsheet application, where you have a number of fields holding values, but also some fields holding formula expressions. Whenever you change one of the values, the fields with the formulas update their result values accordingly and automatically. As a user, you don't have to calculate and enter the new results by yourself. Instead, the result is declaratively described by a formula epxression.

The spreadsheet is modeling a dependency between input fields and result fields. A lot of dependencies exist also in application user interfaces, which makes declarative programming an ideal choice for building UIs.

For instance, buttons may only be clickable under certain circumstances, while the visibility or size of other elements may depend on a lot of other factors. Modeling all of these dependencies with procedural or object oriented programming can result in pieces of code that are hard to extend or maintain.

Dynamic Values

Shellfish uses a thing called dynamic values to represent values that may change over time. Watchers may subscribe to a dynamic value to get notified whenever its value changes.

So, for instance, if the width of an element, represented by a dynamic value changes, other elements may adjust their geometry or other properties accordingly while watching the dynamic value holding the width.


width: another.width


Remember the spreadsheet application example from above? Besides fields with simple values, there were also fields holding formula expressions. In Shellfish, the analogy to such a field is a binding.

Bindings may hold complex expressions dealing with many dynamic values or constant values and yield a result that changes whenever one of the dynamic values changes. By nature, bindings are dynamic values themselves, so other bindings in turn may depend on the results of bindings.

Bindings hold expressions written in JavaScript that are re-evaluated whenever one of the expression's dependencies change.


width: Math.min(another1.width, another2.width) / 2


A graphical user interface is made up of things like buttons, menus, checkboxes, frames, and many more. These are the elements of the UI. Elements may be nested and composed in order to get new, more complex elements.

But there are also elements in a UI that have no representation on screen. These elements are called abstract elements. For example, a timer element that triggers a piece of code to be run periodically would be such an abstract element.

Server code, on the other hand, only consists of abstract elements, such as a HTTP server, authentication mechanisms, routings, or session handlers.

Elements are configured by a number of properties, which they expose as dynamic values. By assigning bindings to properties, you may model complex UI dependencies that would otherwise be a pain to maintain in procedural or object-oriented code.

This is an example of a Label element with a text property:

Label {
    text: "I am a label."

And these are two labels label1 and label2 that are connected by a binding dependency:

Label {
    id: label1
    text: "I am Label 1"

Label {
    text: "I am Label 2. By the way, Label 1 shows " + label1.text.length + 
          " characters of text."

Note how label2 incorporates the value of a property of label1 in its own text property. The value of label2's text property is a binding, expressed by code written in JavaScript.

Elements that may contain other elements nested inside are called container elements. Let's nest a label inside a box:

Box {
    Label { 
        text: "I'm a label in a box."