Tutorial: Timers


Timers are abstract elements that emit the timeout event at regular intervals and are useful to update things in the UI repeatedly.

The Timer Element

The Timer element has a property running that controls if the timer is active. As long as running is false, which is the default value, the timer does nothing.

Usually, the timer triggers the timeout event only once. If you want to have the event triggered repeatedly, set the property repeat to true and specify a repetition interval in milliseconds with the property interval.

Document {

    Label {
        id: dateLabel

    Timer {
        running: true
        repeat: true
        interval: 1000  // trigger once a second

        onTimeout: () =>
            dateLabel.text = new Date().toTimeString();


The FrameTimer Element

The FrameTimer element is a special timer that is bound to the screen refresh rate. Instead of a repetition interval, you may specify a frame rate of how often the event is emitted within a second with the property fps. The default value is 60 frames per second.

Depending on the attached screen and the system's overall performance, the specified rate may not be reached, though.

Document {

    Label {
        id: dateLabel

    FrameTimer {
        running: true
        repeat: true
        fps: 3  // trigger three times a second

        onTimeout: () =>
            dateLabel.text = new Date().toISOString();
