Class: TextArea


new ui.TextArea ()

Element representing a multi-line text area.


  • backgroundContainer - The background (e.g. for syntax highlighting or line highlighting).
  • bottomMarginContainer - The bottom margin (e.g. for a status bar).
  • leftMarginContainer - The left margin (e.g. for line numbers).
  • rightMarginContainer - The right margin.
  • topMarginContainer - The top margin.
Name Type Description
bold bool

(default: false) Show text in bold face.

caretColor html.Color

The caret color.

column number

[readonly] The column of the current cursor position.

fontFamily string

The font family.

fontSize number

The font size in CSS pixels.

row number

The row of the current cursor position.

selectionEnd number

[readonly] The ending position of the text selection. This value is the same as selectionStart if no text is selected.

selectionStart number

[readonly] The starting position of the text selection.

spellCheck bool

(default: false) Whether to enable spell-checking.

text string

(default: "") The text to show.

textColor html.Color

The text color.
