Class: MouseBox


Class representing a box that accepts input from mouse, touch screen, or a pen. Multitouch input is supported.

new html.MouseBox ()

Name Type Description
containsMouse bool

[readonly] Whether the mouse pointer is over the box.

hoverDelay number

(default: 500) The hover delay in ms.

hovered bool

[readonly] Whether the mouse pointer is hovering over the box. This is similar to containsMouse but has a delay.

pressed bool

[readonly] Whether the box is currently pressed.

touchPoints number

[readonly] The current amount of touch points.

  • event:doubleClick
  • event:drag
  • event:dragEnd
  • event:click
  • event:mouseDown
  • event:mouseMove
  • event:mouseOut
  • event:mouseOver
  • event:mouseUp
  • event:pointerDown
  • event:pointerEnter
  • event:pointerLeave
  • event:pointerMove
  • event:pointerOut
  • event:pointerUp
  • event:wheel



touchPoint (n)object

Returns the n-th touch point.

Name Type Description
n number

The index of the touch point to return.

Type Description
object The touch point, or null if the touch point does not exist.

Type Definitions


A drag event. This is not related to drag-and-drop functionality.

The drag only starts if the accepted property is set to true.

Name Type Description
accepted bool

(default: false) Set to true to accept the event and initiate the drag.

buttons number

[readonly] The buttons pressed.

deltaX number

[readonly] The drag amount in X direction.

deltaY number

[readonly] The drag amount in Y direction.

original Event

[readonly] The original HTML pointer event.


A pointer event.

Name Type Description
accepted bool

(default: false) Set to true to accept the event and prevent it from bubbling up.

buttons number

[readonly] The buttons pressed as a bitmask with left = 1, right = 2, middle = 4.

directTarget bool

[readonly] true if this event was emitted by the direct target instead of having bubbled up.

original Event

[readonly] The original HTML pointer event.

pointerId number

[readonly] The ID of the pointer.

pointerType string

[readonly] The type of pointer. One of mouse|pen|touch

pressure number

[readonly] The pressure (typically of a pen) applied as number in the range of 0 and 1.

tiltX number

[readonly] The tilt of the pen in X direction.

tiltY number

[readonly] The tilt of the pen in Y direction.

x number

[readonly] The X position of the pointer within the MouseBox.

y number

[readonly] The Y position of the pointer within the MouseBox.


A wheel event.

Name Type Description
accepted bool

(default: false) Set to true to accept the event and prevent it from bubbling up.

deltaX number

[readonly] The scroll amount in X direction.

deltaY number

[readonly] The scroll amount in Y direction.

deltaZ number

[readonly] The scroll amount in Z direction.

original Event

[readonly] The original HTML wheel event.

x number

[readonly] The X position of the pointer within the MouseBox.

y number

[readonly] The Y position of the pointer within the MouseBox.



Is triggered when a mouse button was clicked.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when the context menu is requested (usually upon clicking the right mouse button).

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when a mouse button was double-clicked.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when the item is being dragged.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.DragEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when the item is finished being dragged.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.DragEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when a pointer device button is pressed.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when a pointer device enters the item.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when a pointer device gets out of reach, e.g. a pen is lifted.

Name Type Description
event object

The event object.


Is triggered when a pointer device is being moved.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when a pointer device leaves the item.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when a pointer device button is released.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.PointerEvent

The event object.


Is triggered when the mouse wheel is rolled.

Name Type Description
event html.MouseBox.WheelEvent

The event object.