Tutorial: Scrolling


The Content Area

The content area is the total area occuppied by the content of an overflowing box (see overflowBehavior in Positioning Elements), of which only the portion inside the viewport is visible at a time.

The read-only properties contentWidth and contentHeight tell the current total size of the content area.

The Viewport

The properties contentX, contentY specify the current top-left position of the scrolling viewport inside a box.

You may modify these properties to scroll manually. Otherwise, they are updated automatically as the user scrolls.

The size of the viewport is described by the read-only bboxWidth and bboxHeight properties, since it is the same as the element's size.


The boolean scrollbars property of Box controls if the HTML runtime environment shall provide native scrollbars automatically. The default value is false, which means that no native scrollbars are shown. The element ui.ScrollIndicator provides an alternative to native scrollbars for a uniform look and feel across all platforms.