Tutorial: Complex Animations

Complex Animations

Shellfish's animation elements let you create complex animation storyboards.

Simple Animations

In Transitions you already learned about using NumberAnimation and easing curves for transitions. But NumberAnimation also works as a standalone animation element.

The properties from and to specify the number range of the animation. With the running property set to true, the animation starts running, and if repeat is true it will repeat over and over. The next event delivers the next interpolated value.

Document {

    Box {
        position: "free"
        x: 50
        width: 50
        height: 50
        color: "red"

        NumberAnimation {
            running: true
            repeat: true
            from: -50
            to: 300
            duration: 1500
            easing: "OutBounce"

            onNext: (value) => { parent.y = value; }


Sequential Animations

The element SequentialAnimation runs a number of child animations in sequence.

Document {

    Box {
        position: "free"
        x: 50
        width: 50
        height: 50
        color: "red"

        SequentialAnimation {
            running: true
            repeat: true

            NumberAnimation {
                from: -50
                to: 300
                duration: 1500
                easing: "OutBounce"

                onNext: (value) => { parent.parent.y = value; }

            NumberAnimation {
                from: 300
                to: -50
                duration: 1000
                easing: "Linear"

                onNext: (value) => { parent.parent.y = value; }



Parallel Animations

The element ParallelAnimation runs a number of child animations simultaneously.

Document {

    Box {
        position: "free"
        x: 50
        width: 50
        height: 50
        color: "red"

        ParallelAnimation {
            running: true
            repeat: true

            NumberAnimation {
                from: -50
                to: 300
                duration: 1500
                easing: "OutBounce"

                onNext: (value) => { parent.parent.y = value; }

            NumberAnimation {
                from: -50
                to: 300
                duration: 1500
                easing: "OutQuad"

                onNext: (value) => { parent.parent.x = value; }



Complex Animations

Because ParallelAnimation and SequentialAnimation are animation elements as well, you may put them as child animations into other parallel or sequential animations, too.

Document {

    Box {
        position: "free"
        x: 50
        width: 50
        height: 50
        color: "red"

        SequentialAnimation {
            running: true
            repeat: true

            ParallelAnimation {

                NumberAnimation {
                    from: -50
                    to: 300
                    duration: 1500
                    easing: "OutBounce"

                    onNext: (value) => { parent.parent.parent.y = value; }

                NumberAnimation {
                    from: -50
                    to: 300
                    duration: 1500
                    easing: "OutQuad"

                    onNext: (value) => { parent.parent.parent.x = value; }

            NumberAnimation {
                from: 300
                to: -50
                duration: 2000
                easing: "InOutQuad"

                onNext: (value) =>
                    parent.parent.x = value;
                    parent.parent.y = value;

Here is a bonus document that illustrates all easing curves.

Document {

    Box {
        layout: "row"
        overflowBehavior: "wrap"

        fillWidth: true

        Repeater {
            model: ListModel {
                data: [
                    "Linear", "InSine", "OutSine", "InOutSine",
                    "InQuad", "OutQuad", "InOutQuad", "InCubic",
                    "OutCubic", "InOutCubic", "InQuart", "OutQuart",
                    "InOutQuart", "InQuint", "OutQuint", "InOutQuint",
                    "InExpo", "OutExpo", "InOutExpo", "InCirc",
                    "OutCirc", "InOutCirc", "InBack", "OutBack",
                    "InOutBack", "InElastic", "OutElastic", "InOutElastic",
                    "InBounce", "OutBounce", "InOutBounce"

            delegate: template Box {
                id: exampleBox
                Box {
                    width: 130
                    color: "white"
                    borderColor: "black"
                    borderWidth: 1

                    Box {
                        position: "free"
                        x: 103
                        width: 1
                        color: "gray"
                        fillHeight: true

                    Box {
                        position: "free"
                        y: 4
                        width: 6
                        height: width
                        borderRadius: width / 2
                        color: "blue"

                        NumberAnimation {
                            running: true
                            repeat: true
                            from: 0
                            to: 100
                            duration: 3000
                            easing: exampleBox.modelData.value
                            onNext: (value) => { parent.x = value; }

                    Label {
                        marginTop: 12
                        text: exampleBox.modelData.value

            }// delegate Box

        }// Repeater

    }// Box
