Tutorial: Using the Theme for a Uniform Look

Using the Theme for a Uniform Look

The module shellfish/ui is thoroughly using a Theme element for maintaining a uniform look, and so should you.

Theme in the Document

If you import shellfish/ui into your code, the element used for Document will be ui.Document (instead of html.Document), which is an extension of html.Document.

It has a property theme holding the default theme. By assigning another theme to this property, you may change the application theme at runtime.

// this line is important for using themes
require "shellfish/ui";

Document {

    theme: DarkTheme { }


Shellfish provides the themes Theme and DarkTheme in shellfish/ui.

Since Document is the root element of the whole application, the theme property will be visible everywhere. It provides you with a number of predefined measurements and colors you should use instead of absolute values.

require "shellfish/ui";

Document {

    Box {
        marginTop: theme.paddingMedium
        layout: "row"

        Box {
            marginLeft: theme.paddingMedium
            width: theme.itemWidthLarge
            height: theme.itemHeightMedium
            color: theme.highlightBackgroundColor

        Box {
            marginLeft: theme.paddingMedium
            width: theme.itemWidthLarge
            height: theme.itemHeightMedium
            color: theme.secondaryBackgroundColor


See Theme for a description of the properties provided by themes.

Custom Themes

You may define custom themes by overriding the properties of Theme that you want to change.

require "shellfish/ui";

Document {

    theme: Theme {
        primaryColor: "white"
        primaryBackgroundColor: "black"


Or you may put the new theme into a separate Shui file.

// MyTheme.shui

require "shellfish/ui";

Theme {
    primaryColor: "white"
    primaryBackgroundColor: "black"
// main.shui

require "shellfish/ui";
require "./MyTheme.shui";

Document {

    theme: MyTheme { }


Local Themes

Elements may declare a local theme property, which will then be valid within the element and all of its children and descendents, since it overshadows the theme property of the root Document (as explained in Understanding Identifier Scope and Namespaces).

require "shellfish/ui";

Document {

    Box {
        fillWidth: true
        height: theme.itemHeightLarge
        color: theme.primaryBackgroundColor
        layout: "center"

        Label { text: "This box uses the default theme." }

    Box {
        property theme: DarkTheme { }

        fillWidth: true
        height: theme.itemHeightLarge
        color: theme.primaryBackgroundColor
        layout: "center"

        Label { text: "This box uses the dark theme." }


Note that because Box has no own property theme, you have to declare it with the property keyword.

Automatic Bright Mode / Dark Mode Switch

Some OS such as Windows, MacOS, or Android allow the user to switch between a bright mode and a dark mode in recent versions. The current preference is represented by the boolean property systemDarkMode of Document.

If you make the application's theme depend on this property, the application will switch along with the OS automatically.

require "shellfish/ui";

Document {

    property brightTheme: Theme { }
    property darkTheme: DarkTheme { }

    theme: systemDarkMode ? darkTheme
                          : brightTheme

    Box {
        fillWidth: true
        height: theme.itemHeightLarge
        color: theme.primaryBackgroundColor
        layout: "center"

        Label { text: "This application adheres to your system's dark mode setting." }
