Class: Material


Class representing a surface material.

new shf3d.Material ()

Name Type Description
bumpSource string

(default: "") The URL of a bump map, i.e. a texture with surface normal vectors encoded in RGB values.

color color

(default: rgb(1, 1, 1)) The surface color.

columns number

(default: 1) The amount of texture repetitions per row.

emissiveColor color

(default: rgb(0, 0, 0)) The color emitted by the surface. In other words, it glows in that color.

opacity number

(default: 1) The surface's opacity, ranging from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

rows number

(default: 1) The amount of texture repetitions per column.

shininess number

(default: 1) The surface's shininess. The lower the shininess value, the matter the surface appears.

source string

(default: "") The URL of a texture.