Class: Label


Class representing a text label with support for simple markup.

new html.Label ()

Name Type Description
bold bool

(default: false) Show text in bold face.

color html.Color

The text color.

filter function

(default: null) A function for filtering the text.

fontFamily string

The font family.

fontSize number

The font size in CSS pixels.

horizontalAlignment string

(default: "left") Horizontal text alignment: left|center|right

italic bool

(default: false) Show text in italics.

literal bool

(default: false) If true, markup code is not interpreted and line breaks and spaces are preserved.

overflowBehavior string

(default: "clip") Overflow behavior: clip|ellipsis|wrap|break

selectable bool

(default: false) If true, text may be selected by the mouse.

text string

(default: "") The text to show.

verticalAlignment string

(default: "center") Vertical text alignment: top|center|bottom
