Namespace: low


Module ID: shellfish/low

This module provides the low-level Shellfish API for working directly on the HTML DOM and CSS.

When working with Shui or the declarative-level API, you normally do not have to deal directly with this low-level API.


Importing in JavaScript

shRequire("shellfish/low", low =>

Importing in Shui

require "shellfish/low" as low;

Object {




low.activeFrameHandlers ()Array.<string> static

Returns the annotations of the currently active frame handlers.

Type Description
Array.<string> The annotations of the frame handlers.

low.addFrameHandler (handler, annotation)low.FrameHandle static

Adds a repeating frame handler and returns a handle for cancelation.

If the system load and the screen refresh rate permit, 60 frames are rendered per second.

For handlers that should only run once, invoke cancel() in the handler function itself.

Multiple frame handlers may be active at the same time.

Note: The HTML environment decides when to run the frame handlers. Browser windows or tabs may not invoke frame handlers at all while being invisible or without focus.

Name Type Default Description
handler function

The handler function.

annotation string "<no annotation>" optional

An optional annotation for identifying the handler for debugging purposes.

Type Description
low.FrameHandle The handle with a cancel() method.

Adding a repeating frame handler

const handle = low.addFrameHandler(() =>
    console.log("next frame");

Running a one-shot frame handler

const handle = low.addFrameHandler(() =>
    handle.cancel(); // run only once
    console.log("the frame handler was called");

low.createElementTree (html)HTMLElement static

Creates a DOM element tree from a string of HTML code.

Name Type Description
html string

The HTML code.

Type Description
HTMLElement The root node of the DOM element tree.
low.createElementTree("<div><h1>Title</h1><p>This is some text</p></div>");

low.css (target, key)string static

Returns the current value of a CSS property.

Name Type Description
target HTMLElement

The target DOM element.

key string

The CSS property key.

Type Description
string The current value.

low.css (target, key, value) static

Sets the value of a CSS property.

Name Type Description
target HTMLElement

The target DOM element.

key string

The CSS property key.

value string

The new value.

low.escapeHtml (text)string Deprecated : Use html.Object#escapeHtml instead. static

Escapes a text string for HTML output.

This function replaces certain characters in the text string by entities (for example, "<" becomes "&lt;") so that the string may safely be output in HTML.

Name Type Description
text string

The text to escape.

Type Description
string The escaped text.

low.escapeMarkup (text)string Deprecated : Use html.Object#escapeMarkup instead. static

Escapes a text string for literal output.

Name Type Description
text string

The text to escape.

Type Description
string The escaped text.

low.focusables ()Array.<HTMLElement> static

Returns a list of all focusable HTML elements in the document. An element is focusable, if it has the data role sh-focusable and is visible and not disabled.

Type Description
Array.<HTMLElement> The focusable elements.

low.focusNext () static

Moves the keyboard focus to the next focusable element.

low.focusPrevious () static

Moves the keyboard focus to the previous focusable element.

low.fullscreenEnter (target) static

Enters fullscreen mode with the given target element.

Name Type Description
target HTMLElement

The DOM element to show fullscreen.

low.fullscreenExit () static

Leaves fullscreen mode.

low.fullscreenStatus ()bool static

Returns whether fullscreen mode is currently active.

Type Description
bool Whether fullscreen mode is active.

low.isFrameUpdate () static

Returns if a frame update is currently ongoing, i.e. the program execution is currently in the context of a frame handler.


low.pxToRem (px)number static

Converts pixels to rem units according to the current user settings.

A CSS rem unit is the width of the character m in the document's global font, font size, and display scale.

Name Type Description
px number

The pixel value to convert.

Type Description
number The amount in rem units.

low.registerTopDownEvent (node, name, cb) static

Registers a custom topdown-event handler on the given DOM node.

A top-down event trickles down from parent to children, instead of bubbling up from child to parent.

Name Type Description
node object

The DOM node.

name string

The name of the event.

cb function

The callback function.

low.remToPx (rem)number static

Converts rem units to pixels according to the current user settings.

Name Type Description
rem number

The rem units to convert.

Type Description
number The amount of pixels.

low.resolveIcons (text)string Deprecated : Resolving icons is handled by html.Label internally. static

Resolves icons in a text string.

Icons are encoded by [icon:<name>] where <name> is the name of the icon to show. See the Icon Gallery in the Shellfish UI-Gallery for the icons available.

The icons come from a web font and are rendered as font glyphs.

Name Type Description
text string

The text to resolve.

Type Description
string HTML code containing the icons.
const output = low.resolveIcons("This is an [icon:bug] icon.");

low.resolveMarkup (text)string Deprecated : Resolving markup is handled by html.Label internally. static

Resolves inline markup in a text string. Use the character \ to escape the succeeding character.

Supported markups are:

  • *italic*
  • **bold**
  • _underlined_
Name Type Description
text string

The text to resolve.

Type Description
string HTML code containing the formatting.

low.saveBlob (blob, filename) static

Offers the given blob for saving. This function may only be triggered by a user action. Depending on the browser settings, a file dialog may or may not appear for the user to choose a filename, even if you provided a filename.

Name Type Description
blob Blob

The blob to save.

filename string

The filename to save to.

low.tag (t)low.Tag static

Creates a new HTML tag tree node.

Node trees are built by chaining commands.

Name Type Description
t string

The tag name.

Type Description
low.Tag The new node.
const tree = low.tag("div").class("item")
             .style("background-color", "black")
                     .content("First Item")
                     .content("Second Item")

low.triggerTopDownEvent (node, name) static

Triggers the given custom topdown-event on a DOM node.

Name Type Description
node object

The DOM node.

name string

The name of the event.

Type Definitions

low.FrameHandle Object

A handle for controlling a frame handler.

Name Type Description
cancel function

Cancels the frame handler.
