Class: ListHeader


new ui.ListHeader ()

Element representing a list header with multiple columns. It is intended to be placed directly above a html.ListView element.

The model of columns supports several attributes:

  • title (string): The title text
  • width (number): The initial width
  • resizable (bool): Whether the columns is resizable
Name Type Description
model core.ListModel

The model of columns.

columnWidths Array.<number>

[readonly] The widths of the particular columns.



resetColumns ()

Resets the column widths.

resizeColumn (idx, n)

Resizes the given column width by a delta amount.

Name Type Description
idx number

The index number of the column to resize.

n number

The amount to add to the column's width.



Is triggered when the user clicks on a column header.

Name Type Description
idx number

The index number of the clicked column.